Thursday 31 August 2017


Does the graffiti location make it vandalism or art? Well, if the person has permission, then it's fine, but if the person doesn't and is doing it because they dislike someone or just for fun, then that's bad.

Is graffiti good? I think it depends if it's rude, inappropriate or if it's swearing, then it's bad. If it's coming from the heart and is creative, then it’s good.

When do they do graffiti? They would do it at night so nobody could see them, they would do it at about midnight when everyone will be asleep.

There are good graffiti artists. Some graffiti artists go to schools and put their artwork somewhere around the school. At my old school, we had a graffiti artist who did some art on a big canvas we offered him.

What is spray paint made out of? The spray paint is made out of animal blood and animal fat.

So I don't think graffiti is bad or good, I think it depends on what it is, where it is and what it looks like.

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